More Effort

When you ask a coach this simple question, “do you prefer a gifted player or a hard working player on your team?”  Most coaches would say hard working player, right?  But what if you can create a team that has the best of both worlds?

The question is how?

mtIn an ideal world, we would all like to  have the most talented and hardest working players.  The players that would run through a wall for any coach, any team, any club and know they could because it would be for the benefit of the team.

How do you get more effort from all of your players is the question? 

What type of parent, coach, player are you? If you live your life accepting mediocrity, not taking chances, not living your life to its fullest…it will show. I have come to learn that our body can withstand so much more pain than we think.

Now, who is willing to suffer more “pain,” or give a little more “effort,” in order to be the best?  Our brain tricks us into thinking we are physically tired, physically drained, but do you give into these thoughts is important.  As a coach myself, I try my best to push myself to my limit on a daily basis.  This might be physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.  When I think I have reached my limit, I try to go just a little longer, push a little more.  How are you pushing yourself to your limit?

Step 1: Be Truthful

You are tougher than you think! Kids are tougher than they think as well.  If you’re a coach like me, your team is a reflection of you.  I have coached some teams where I have not “succeeded” on the scoreboard, losing by so many goals I lost count at one point.  After a loss like this, I always ask myself how I could improve my team and my coaching so this doesn’t happen again.  The majority of the time when playing a superior team, all you can ask from your players is to try their best.  Know they left that field and gave everything they had.  What more can a coach ask for?

You can not lie to the person in the mirror.  The first step to having more effort is being truthful with none other than yourself!

At practices, do you see the team performing with as much effort as they can? If not, it is the coach’s responsibility to correct that and make sure all players are pushing themselves each time.  Pep Guardiola says, “the way you train is the way you play.”  I’m sure other coaches have said something similar or maybe even used these same words, but when I heard this, I knew my team, my players would need to step up the intensity at practice in order to perform during their games.   More effort comes down to being truthful with yourself, know you left that field giving it your all!

Step 2: Challenge Your Team or Teammates

This is something I am constantly trying to do as a parent and a coach.  Look for a peer or another professional you can learn from and challenge yourself to strive for more.  If I am a coach, I try to play superior teams to see how my team fairs against them.  It is not about who has the better team at the end, it is about who challenges their team and teammates to be their best.

There should be some players on your team that are more advanced than others.  Coaches pair these advanced players against each other during drills at training to make sure they push each other.  Play against elite and you will become elite.  Train like a professional you will become a professional.  If you feel like you are not elite as of yet, at least attempt to go against the elite to see how much further you need to go to get on that level.

Most professional soccer players are professional soccer players because they earn the right to sign a contract through years and at times a lifetime’s work.  Nothing is handed to anyone in this world, you must challenge your team and teammates consistently.  More effort is needed in this aspect and not enough players/coaches are taking the initiative.

How are you challenging your team?

Step 3: You are Your Own Competition

Who are you really competing against?  Is it the other team, best players, teammates?  

Compete against yourselfThere will always be someone better than you at something! That is the harsh reality of life.  We are never going to be the best, someone will always be just a little better.  But, as long as I am the best I can be, I will be satisfied with that effort I gave.  Last thing I want to do is live with regret, knowing that I could have done just a little more.  Gave a little more effort to be better than I was yesterday.  Could have run just a little faster, studied a little longer, cared a little more to be MY BEST!

If we are all trying to improve in something everyday, then do it! Write it down, set a goal, crush it and be proud of your efforts to challenge yourself.  Will you be successful each and every time? Of course not! But the journey to become that person is something we should all take away from our efforts.

Compete against yourself and be better than you were yesterday and pretty soon, you will be in the elite category and living your dreams!

Hope you enjoyed and please don’t live today without giving just a little more effort.

Written by:

Coach Walter

Coaching Instructing

Top 10 Ways to Hit Your Goals

We are now a week into the new year and what have you changed from last year?  Are you still doing the same things you have always done?

Here are the top 10 ways to hit your goals we found out that will help make 2016 your year!

These are not in a specific order but just a few tips that we found that help us here at Olé Soccer be our most productive selves. 

1. Get Enough Sleep

This is key to being the most productive and staying on top of your game! Whether you are a coach, parent, player or just a human being…you need to average a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep every night in order to have your mind and body perform at it’s highest level.

2. Exercise Daily

Even the President of the United States has time to exercise everyday! Think you don’t have enough time? This goes for everyone, but the best time to exercise study shows, is early in the morning before starting your day.  You not only feel accomplished but studies show that you have more energy to conquer your day.  Get up 30 minutes earlier and workout for 15 minutes to start off, watch the difference it makes in your day.  You will be looking forward to your bed at night to make sure you get those hours of sleep and get ready to do it again the following day.

3. Eat Healthy

Have you heard the term, “you are what you eat?” Not sure who said it, but sure does make a lot of sense.  I even heard of something to take it a step further, “you are what you think.”  So not only do you need to be your best mentally but be conscious of how you think that will in turn help you eat healthier to have your body perform at its highest level.   Maximize your performance and avoid processed foods like soda, fast food, chips and so on that are actually scientifically proven now that link obesity, diabetes, cancer and many more diseases to these foods.

We are not doctors, but listen to your body and remember that doctors are not trained in nutrition, they are trained in medicine.  Eating a plant based diet or getting as close as possible to it has now been proven to have your body prevent and reverse pre-existing conditions to have your body perform its best. Do your own research like we have, we recommend a few documentaries like Fed Up, Cowspiracy and Forks over Knives that can be found on Netflix.

4. Set Goals

Setting goals on a daily, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis is one of the best things you can do.  It can be to lose weight, gain weight, bulk up, get faster, make more money, etc.  How do you set a goal?  Work backwards and find out how much money you need to make every day in a year to hit your annual revenue goal for example.

Want to make $1 million in 2016? You need to make $2,732.24 every day in 2016 (366 days) to become a millionaire this year.  You need to make $113.84 an hour (24 hrs) to hit that goal.  This is just an example but it allows you to realize that it is not out of this world to do.

If you want to work on your shooting, speed or passing in soccer, what drills are you working on to make this happen? Is your child working with a personal trainer? Is your child working out on “off days?” If you’re a parent, please do all you can to help your child achieve their goals and ask them what their goals are.  Help them achieve success at a young age and they will be addicted to being their best every year thanks to you!

5.  Surround Yourself with Positive Role Models

Jim Rohn has a great quote, it says, “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Let that sink in for a minute…is that clear now? What group of friends can’t you live without?  This may even be family you MUST be with all the time.  Where are they currently, what are their goals?  If you are scratching your head right now and do not know what they want, this is definitely a red flag!

We found it is okay to be different, stand out and not take the same road everyone is on.  If you are to do something significant with your 2016, you will need to be controversial, you will need to be different.  Find like minded people or get new friends that can help you achieve your best 2016.   One thing I personally found out in 2015 was that being me and only me, accepting myself for me and not worrying about what other people thought of me was the best thing I could have realized.  Stop worrying about what others say, because talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words.  Do something great and celebrate with those who are by your side.

6. Find a Team

Many people like myself for example try to wear too many hats.  It’s the truth, I try to do everything on my own and think I can do it all. I can do lots of things, but not very well.  There are tons of people who are good at lots of things, but masters at none.  If you want to accomplish something significant, it unfortunately or fortunately will not be done on your own.  Find a team to help you get there. This may mean hiring a mentor, coach, accountability partner, friend or even just your spouse. A team needs to be more than one person that will push you to being your best and hold you accountable.

7. Ask for Help

We do not know everything, it is fine to ask for help from an expert.  I am a coach but I also ask for help with certain tactics, drills and learn ways to become the best I can be.  I love to read magazines, blog posts (like Ole Soccer’s 🙂 ) and books to help me learn from masters that have taken the path I am on.  We now live in the information era where we can grab a phone, tablet, computer and research anything we want.  How you use this information is up to you.

8. Work Everyday

If you think Messi or Ronaldo became the superstars they are today because they trained only on good days, you are sadly mistaken.   You may not see results after a month, a year, 2 years, but eventually depending on your goals, you will start to see progress in what you choose to put your effort in.  Great things do not happen overnight, you must work at them everyday little by little and chip away.  A soccer player must have an edge on the competition to get to the next level.  What are your strengths, is it speed? Skills? Passing? How are you working on your weaknesses or as I like to say on your areas of improvement.  We can all get better as something, how far are you willing to go and how bad do you want it?

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.”
– Eric Thomas

9. Have a Calendar or Planner

I must admit, this took me a very long time to do! I still struggle with this, but once I started with my planner, I saw my productivity level shoot up like crazy!  Staying on top of your daily goals, setting up appointments, training sessions and just having somewhere to write down your thoughts was a game changer for me.   One that I am looking forward to purchasing is called The Freedom Journal, by one of the best podcasters of our time, John Lee Dumas.

10. Enjoy the Journey

“The best part of life is not the destination, but the person you become during the journey to your destination.”  I am not sure if I am quoting it correctly, nor do I know who said it but I really resonate with this quote here.  We are all destined for something in our life, we just need to have the courage sometimes to take risks and enjoy the process.  If something doesn’t work, so be it.  But at least you know that you gave it your all and tried it.

Do not live with regret and really enjoy the journey in becoming the best soccer player, coach, parent, sibling and most of all human being to leave this world better than how you found it.

Is there more?

I hope you enjoyed reading this new type of blog post and know that we are here to help as much as possible.  If you feel you received value from this article and other posts from our site, please leave us a message below. I love reading reviews, good or bad (hopefully good) so I can keep improving.  Wish you all a happy new year and know 2016 is going to be a life changing year for all of us!


Top 10 Ways to hit your Goals
Written by:

Walter Merino


Futsal League Registration

Olé will have a competitive futsal league for club level teams in the Coast Soccer League as well as SCDSL (Southern California Developmental Soccer League).

There will be only 2 age groups for the club level teams competing.  We are limiting the amount of teams that can enter to 4 per age group.

kids futsal

2008 – Girls & Boys Ages 7 turning 8 

2007 – Girls & Boys Ages 8 turning 9

As of 2016, the U.S. Soccer Federation requires youth teams to now play the calendar year.  If your son or daughter was born in one of these years above, his or her team can apply to join our league.  We will only be taking teams on a first come first serve basis with a maximum of 4 teams per year & per gender.




Futsal League Details

futsal trainingCost: $375 per team
Ref Fee: $30 each game
(If your team does not show up to a game, you are still scheduled to pay the ref fee the next game)

Starts 2/20/16
Ends 4/23/16

17431 Roscoe Blvd.
Northridge, CA 91325
(Inside the church basketball gym)





10 week season which includes 10 games every Saturday.  25 minute halves and will be applying the futsal rules as well.  Goalkeepers will be allowed and will have futsal size goals.  Each team will have a maximum of 8 players on their team and will be playing 5v5 on the court.

Futsal shoes are required and can not wear turf shoes!

The futsal league registration is based on a first come first serve basis.  If you do not register and enter your info your spot will not be saved.  Once all spots are filled we will create brackets with teams and advise everyone on the schedule.


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Glendale Youth Soccer League

Ole Soccer will have 2 teams joining the Fall 2015 Glendale Youth Soccer League.  Our BU8 and BU7 teams will be participating in this developmental and competitive league to help improve our teams.

When does the League Start?

First games of the season will kickoff 11/21/15.  All games will be on Saturday from 11/21/15-2/6/16.  There will be a break on Thanksgiving weekend 11/28/15 and 2 weeks off during the Holiday Season.



Schedules and more info on the league will be posted on their website

501 S. Pacific Ave.
Glendale, CA 91204

League directors-  Artur A. & Jack
We were invited by these coaches and working with local teams in Glendale, Pasadena, Los Angeles and East Valley.

Download the Schedule here

Boys Under 7 Team

IMG_1105First game for the BU7 team will be against Barcelona (non-club) from the Los Angeles area at 11am.

We require the players to show up minimum of 45 minutes before the game to get mentally and physically ready.   It is vital to have players show up on time to have the coaches guide them on the instructions for the game.

501 S. Pacific Ave.
Glendale, CA 91204

This BU7 team will be the only BU7 team in the league and will be competing against our BU8 team as well as other BU8 teams in the league.  This will not be an easy task but we know the team is capable of competing at a high level.




  1. Alvaro Vicente
  2. Adrian Martinez
  3. Christopher Figueroa
  4. Carlos Santamaria
  5. Sebastian Angulo
  6. Josiah Suarez
  7. Christopher Valencia
  8. Angel Aguirre
  9. Henry Guerra
  10. Jakob De Leon
  11. Axel Lopez
  12. Pedro (Chato) Hermosillo
  13. Angel Valdivia


The majority of the players on this team will be 6 & 7 with Axel who is 4 years old, Josiah and Chris Figueroa who are 5 years old.  The purpose of this team is to have them play at a high level and also experience good competition.  We are not focused on winning, but on competing and learning the game as we feel is best for these players to develop.


Boys Under 8 Team

Team TrainingFirst game of the season will be Saturday 11/21/15 at 12pm.

This new team consists of a mixture of players coming together to form one of our newest teams here at Ole Soccer.  Some of these players will be playing together for the first time and others will have some experience playing together.

One thing I can tell you is that both teams will be ready to play!



  1. Alexis Villagran
  2. Emiliano Cardenas
  3. Mark Rodriguez
  4. Triztan Grajales
  5. Havok De Leon
  6. Adam Lopez
  7. Gabriel Kartch
  8. Louie Piceno
  9. Joshua Hernandez
  10. Gianluca Cavallini
  11. Ernest Walker
  12. Javier Espinoza
  13. Brian Martinez


Per the league meeting on 11/17/15, each game will be as follows:

  • 8v8 games
  • 20 minute halves
  • Unlimited Substitutions
  • Home Side will be on side of field closest to street
  • League will provide game balls
  • $25 per team for referee fee
  • Club level referees
  • Possibly 3 refs but as for now just 1 center referee
  • Goal kicks will be punts from goalkeeper instead of goal kicks from 6 yard box (new club rule)
  • Parents must remain off the field and in designated fans area
  • Schedule and games might be canceled last minute and will notify us ASAP if something changes
  • Each team must be sure to be professional and will NOT permit parents to be coaching on the sides, only the Head Coach will be allowed to instruct the players
  • Each team will have their own side of the field


pacific park field

Above are some of the rules and topics that were discussed at the meeting for everyone to be clear on.  It is extremely important our parents stay respectful towards each other and as always respect the other teams as well.  If for some reason one of our parents can not be respectful and courteous to other teams or our team, they can possibly be removed from the team permanently.



The Glendale Youth Soccer League will have playoffs for the first 4 teams on the top of the league.  There will be 2 semi-final games and also be a 3rd place game 2/13/16 as well as a final 2/20/16.  The first and second place teams will be receiving medals, but only first place team will receive the League Trophy.

Please be sure to stay updated on the league status, updates and if you have questions please contact them directly.
Thanks for reading and please be sure to come out to our games and support our teams!


Follow us @OleSoccer


Coach Walter

Saturday30 8_22_15


Ole Futsal League

Futsal has been recognized as one of the best ways for the youth to develop and improve fastest.

What is futsal?

kids futsal(Via Wikipedia) Futsal started in 1930 when Juan Carlos Ceriani Gravier, a teacher in Uruguay, created a version of indoor football for recreation.  His goal was to create a team game that could be played indoor or outdoor but that was similar to football, which became quite popular there after Uruguay won the 1930 World Cup and gold medals in the 1924 and 1928 Summer Olympics.

Its name comes from the Portuguese Futebol de salão , which can be translated as “room football”. It was developed in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s.  It is a 5 versus 5 game played indoor or on a flat surface.


Olé Futsal League Starts February 20, 2016!

Olé Soccer is launching a developmental futsal league for kids ages 4-10 years old.  We here at Olé are providing every opportunity possible to those in our organization and those who would like to be part of it, the best training and overall development possible. We believe that in order for a player to excel, they must be able to play on multiple surfaces and environments to receive the most amount of practice as possible.

The Futsal league will be an excellent form of practice and allow our youth to develop here in the San Fernando Valley.  As there are some Futsal facilities in the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles areas, there aren’t many actual Futsal leagues.  Olé couldn’t be happier to be offering this league for our community and help improve the level of play to compete with the best players around.

Check out what some of the United States Soccer Federation coaches had to say about the U.S. Futsal Development.

What does my child need?

First thing you must do is make sure your child gets introduced to the sport, we highly recommend having them attend some practices before coming out if this is their first time playing.  Here is a good start if you live in the San Fernando Valley or surrounding areas, Friday Night Clinics.  We offer these clinics every Friday for kids ages 3-12 who are just getting introduced to soccer or who are very advanced and play club soccer.  Also offer Friday night goalkeeper clinics for kids ages 4 and up which dedicates time to each goalie who wants to learn or excel in their position.

Attire Needed

nike futsal shoesPlease have your child bring flat shoes, futsal (rubber soles) preferred.  Having your child prepared is extremely important because you can avoid injuries like falls, blisters or worse for not being prepared.  Uniforms will be an extra cost and will not be included in the league registration fee.

You can not expect a player to perform at their best without the proper gear and proper nutrition.




healthy heartWe here at Olé are major advocates of nutrition & wellness.  You can not expect the body to perform at its highest level if you are not fueling it with the proper ingredients.  It is highly encouraged to speak to our Nutrition & Wellness coach, Carlos Charney and our chef, Coach Jasmine Delarosa. Be sure to follow up on Social Media @OleSoccer, as well as checking out our blogs for health tips and recipes to take you and your family to the next level.


Our mission is to not only improve the fundamentals and skills of your child but to also be sure they leave our program with as much information they can use off the field when it comes to maximizing their health and well-being.  Wherever you decide to put your child, please be sure it is the absolute best possible solution for them.  Money should not be an issue, we are really trying our best to provide our service to all willing families!

“You have a Formula 1 car and can’t expect it to perform its best if you are putting Unleaded fuel in it.”
– Coach Walter


Where will this take place?

Olé Soccer is based out of the San Fernando Valley area and will be starting our first Olé Futsal League at the Northridge, California.  Please be sure to sign up for our email list to stay updated on the location and the schedules.



Prices and schedule info coming soon!

How do you separate the teams?

We will have only 4 teams per ages groups at the moment.  Maximum of 9 players per age team so each player can receive enough playing time to learn the game.

Born 2011-2010
– Boys & girls that are 4 to 6 years old
– If your son/daughter is too advanced for this age group we will speak to the parent and decide if they would like to be challenged and moved up a division

Born 2009
– Boys & Girls who are 6 turning 7

Born 2008
– Boys & Girls who are ages 7 turning 8

Born 2007

– Boys & Girls who are ages 8 turning 9

Born 2006

– Boys & Girls who are ages 9 turning 10


Where do I reserve my child’s spot?

IMG_3241We are excited you are considering having your child be part of our program and know he or she will benefit from all we have to offer.  First thing you must do is know that this is a commitment from all of you! Olé is anxious to meet new friends as well as see returning faces for our new league.

Please fill out information below to have your child’s spot reserved.  Please be as detailed as possible and keep in mind this first season will be nothing but recreational for the time being.  More details on cost, practices and teams will be provided in the next few weeks.









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Once you sign up, your contact info will be added to our list of pre-registered players to update you on the upcoming events and details of the league.

Advanced Trapping And Passing Drill

Want to improve and take your first touch to the next level?

Here is a great drill we use often for beginners as well as academy level players.  This advanced trapping and passing drill will be sure to challenge your first touch and accuracy in passing.


1. Make a square about 4×4 space
2. Player stands in the center of the square ready to receive ball
(If player does not ask for ball you DO NOT pass them the ball)
3. With 2 touches they must return the ball back to the passer/coach
4. First touch with the inside of the right foot outside the square then right foot pass back to coach
5. Repeat with left foot
6. Focus on the quality of the first touch and firm pass using the locked ankle technique back to you for getting that strength in the passing


Striker Camp at Delano Park


Want more drills and videos?

We would like to hear from you and give us your feedback on the quality of this drill.  If you would like more drills and videos please leave a comment below.  Share this info and keep working on your game everyday!


Upcoming 2015 Fall Season


Ready for the Season?

As the new season nears we are extremely excited to see new and returning faces for the launch of our upcoming 2014 Fall season!

We saw a great improvement in the players as the season progressed.  What was very apparent was the habits that our players created through nutrition and discipline on the field.   It was great to see friendships created on and off the field.

Our next season is going to be from 10/24/15 – 12/12/15.  This is going to be an 8 game season but packed with lots of fun things planned.  Games will be played at Revo Valley Soccer Center in North Hollywood.  There are currently 2 artificial fields that we will be playing on.  Game times will be from 1pm-3pm this season due to other activities being held at the soccer center.  Please make sure to keep note of this and adjust your schedules to be able to attend the games.



What to expect?

IMG_3241What our coaching staff and parents saw during the 2015 Summer season, we can definitely tell you that the energy is very high and kids have a great time! Our nutrition & wellness team off the field does a remarkable job to provide organic fruit fresh from local farmers markets in our area.  We also bring that “power water” and explain the benefits of drinking water over sugary drinks such as Gatorade and Energy Drinks (BIG NO, NO!).

  • Gatorade and Energy Drinks contain on average 25-45 grams of SUGAR in 1 bottle! 4 grams = 1 tsp…Gatorade contains 28 fl. oz = 42 grams of sugar = 10 tsp 
  • All the SUGAR that we consume, 50% of that sugar is processed and directly sent to our LIVER…when the LIVER has been overloaded with sugar, specifically liquid sugar “Sports Drinks, Energy, Drinks, and Soda,” the LIVER becomes ‘fatty’ and leads to Mental Disorders, Systemic and Metabolic Disorders, and eventually Death.
  • Science has proven that SUGAR is addictive. Contributes to loss of control, higher tolerance for sugar, and increases “cravings” censors in the Brain, same as addicts.


We welcome parents, donors, volunteers to help us and contribute to our program.  Some parents last season were kind enough to volunteer to bring fruit, water and help set up or take down after the games.  It was such as great feeling to see the kids absolutely love the fruit and “power water!”


How can I help?

Monique helps JasmineOle Soccer is a community and always welcome parents and volunteers to come and do something great with us providing healthy options and educating our players on the importance of eating “real food.”

Our job is to come together and help each other out.  The coaches will do their best to develop your child on the field.  Our coaches off the field will take care of the education on nurturing the mind and body with the proper diet.


Yelp Review from Monique V. – If you want to put your child in a soccer program, Ole Soccer is the way to go! Ole Soccer is more than just soccer. It’s a helpful, fun, and educational program for the entire family. Our son has attended practices and games for 4 weeks now and he loves it. The coaches are not just focused on making goals but they are more focused on training the children to set goals and achieve them.
The coaches, Walter, Carlos, Ari, and Jasmine and the rest of the coaching staff are some of the most kind and caring people I have ever interacted with on any level, let alone as a coach. They are so patient with the children, it’s mind blowing.
If you want to put your child in a program that promotes a healthy lifestyle and is more like a family than a program, then Ole Soccer is the program to choose.


Who can join our league?

Half time instructionOur upcoming 2015 Fall Season is open to boys & girls ages 3-6.  We are focused on development from a young age.  Our job is to create an environment where your child will come and develop their social skills while working out and burn some energy.   Meeting other kids and parents making friends is key to a great community.


Ages: 3-6
Advanced to beginners are welcome!


What is the next step?


league game tunnelPlease sign up by clicking on the button below or you can come out and experience our Friday Night clinics to see how your child enjoys the beautiful game!

Sign up now




Be sure to follow us on Social Media for updates and upcoming events @OleSoccer

If you have not done so, please sign up for our newsletter where we offer great tips and news on what is going on with our program.






Water and Hydration Evolution

Do you know the 3 times of the day we are the most dehydrated?

According to Shawn Stevenson, there are 3 times in the day where you are the most dehydrated.

shawn stevenson

1.  When we wake up in the morning
– Wake up and drink minimum of 24 oz (inner bath) of high quality water  before putting anything else in our body

2.  After exercise or working out

3.  After a meal or coffee

You should be urinating every 2 hours throughout the day to maintain the hydration in your body.
According to Shawn Stevenson, studies have shown that if you have just a 1% drop in your normal fluid level, you can start to have damage to your DNA!

When you’re dying of thirst, you’ve been dehydrated for hours. It’s all about water and hydration to your body.

Here is the link to the podcast from the Good Dad Project that describes this – CLICK HERE
good dad pj

Why Water and Hydration?

Ask yourself, why soda and juice? What are the benefits of what I drink?
sugar in drinks

Look at how many grams of sugar are in what you’re eating (on the nutritional label).  Now divide that number by 4. That’s how many teaspoons of pure sugar you’re consuming.

According to Quality Drinking Water‘s website, it is estimated that over 80% of our population suffers energy loss due to minor dehydration.

• A 2% drop causes mental and physical performance to be impaired

• A 4% drop and your muscle strength declines

• If you are thirsty you are already 2 to 3% dehydrated

• Mild dehydration slows the metabolism

A 15% drop cause’s death!
Alkaline may one of the BEST water to drink, read more.

Now what?

As you can tell, the benefits of drinking water compared to any other drinks are second to none.  We all must be drinking lots of water and high quality water as much as possible to sustain our bodies and give us energy throughout the day.
Parents – It is our job to learn and be informed on what is best for ourselves and our kids.  Make conscious decisions on what is best for our bodies and teach our families the importance of health & nutrition.
Kids – If you have kids, you must ditch the drinks with sugars as shown above and make sure we are providing them with as much water as possible.

Please read more on water and hydration we created for all of you here-
Water Hydration Newsletter


Don’t forget to come out every Friday to join our movement classes for parents as well as the soccer clinics for kids ages 3-12!

Parents fitness flyer 2



Thanks for reading and let us know what you think about our post.  Does this make you think a little different about water now? How will you use this information?

Please share your thoughts, we love to hear from you!



Home Made Ultra Bar | Ole Soccer Nutrition

Want to learn how to make your own bars?
We have you covered! Ole Soccer’s Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Carlos Charney will show you!

At last Friday’s clinic, Coach Carlos brought some home made Ultra Bars for everyone to try out.  These Ultra Bars are an option for yourself and children that are healthier than the ones at the store.  We had an amazing turnout and the energy at the field was excellent from both kids as well as parents!

Friday Night Clinics

What about Nature Valley Bars?

According to the senior nutritionist with U.S.-based Center for Science in the Public Interest, Jayne Hurley, “They’re not health food. They’re basically cookies masquerading as health food.”

One 46-gram package of peanut butter Nature Valley bars contains 230 calories, 11 grams of fat, 150 milligrams of sodium and 11 grams of sugar.

NV bars


Is Snickers a good option?

snickers facts 2How much do you know about the Snickers chocolate bar?

Check out these facts below that will make sure you think twice about buying that Snickers bar for yourself or your child.


Still want that Snickers bar?




3 Benefits of Granola Bars

1. Helps Digest Food

Did you know eating granola bars can help your digestive system?
It adds bulk and weight to bowel movements, making it easier to digestive system.

2. Helps Weight Loss

Want to know a quick tip to lose weight?
Consumer less sugar and workout a little bit more.  You can also have an ultra bar or granola bar instead of a Snickers bar. Very low on cholesterol and sodium which play major roles in obesity.  Granola bars are filling and but very lightweight, providing a healthy solution for a snack.

3.  Boosts Energy


Have you ever had a granola bar and felt sluggish?
You receive a great source of energy in a snack that can help athletes, parents as well as coaches to stay in the game or multiple games.  Don’t eat those chips and expect to have sustained energy for your game or practice.

Healthy choices
Healthy choices



– 8-9 Organic Dates, soaked in filtered water for 30 minutes and pitted
– 1 Cup Almond/Meal (Raw almonds in powder form)
– 1/4 Cup Organic Shredded Coconut ( 1 tbsp to sprinkle on top)
– 1/4 Cup Organic Chia Seeds
– 1/4 Cup Organic Pumpkin Seeds
– 1/4 Cup Goji Berries **Super Food**
– 2 Tbsp Organic Coco Powder
– 1/4 Cup Raw Walnuts
– 1/4 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips (dairy, nut, soy free)
– Pinch of Organic Himalayan Sea Salt **Super Food**


1. In a food processor, add Almond/Meal, Chia Seed, Shredded Coconut, Coco Powder, Pumpkin Seeds, Goji Berries, and pulse.

2. With the motor running, add one date at a time.

3. When the ingredients are mixed well, scrap the sticky mixture out of processor and store in a bowl to cool. Store mixture in the fridge for 30 minutes, or freezer for 15 minutes. Mixture must be completely cool before adding chocolate chips.

4. Once the mixture is out, add Walnuts to processor to chop, then add to mixture with chocolate chips.

5. Place parchment paper in a baking dish, press mixture into the dish evenly and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Enjoy 🙂


Be sure to share and come out every Friday to our clinics to learn more tips on how to improve your health.  Be part of our community and sign your child up for clinics or come out and join our new parents fitness classes!


Meet Carlos Charney

Ole Soccer Camps started in the minds of Coach Mario & Coach Walter years ago when they first became soccer coaches themselves.  The vision was to create a community of wellness through the sport teaming up with their soccer friends.  They always kept in touch with their friends on and off the pitch.  One of Coach Walter’s first friends when joining Valley United Blast when he was 11 years old, was none other than Carlos Charney.

Coach Carlos and Coach Walter have been friends for almost 2 decades now and as adults have teamed up to bring a something that will take Ole Soccer and it’s friends to the next level!

Who is Carlos Charney?

Carlos Charney is a San Fernando Valley native, backpacker, soccer player, functional medicine student,
nutritionist, practicing yogi, entrepreneur, dreamer and fellow human-being. At the young age of 16,
Carlos, aka “Charney,” was diagnosed with a debilitating condition called Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Multiple
Sclerosis, along with Cancer, Depression, Asthma, and Diabetes are all auto-immune disorders.

Champion at Heart

Carlos’s father was adopted and therefore Charney was the given name, which stayed with Carlos since
high school. Charney played Varsity Soccer at El Camino Real High School, in Woodland Hills, CA, and
helped El Camino win the Championship that attracted the attention and interest from multiple colleges.
Finishing the summer and playing soccer with his club team, Charney was confident in his vision and
abilities to hopefully earn a scholarship in soccer by graduation.

Entering his sophomore year, Multiple Sclerosis struck Carlos before the soccer season even began.
After just a few weeks into the semester, the common symptoms of MS such as: partial paralysis,
numbness in limbs, partial blindness, and general fatigue were all active and detrimental to his health.
Charney was forced to retreat to his home for the next years, and put-aside his dreams of becoming a
professional soccer player.

Several years of Intramuscular injections and therapy helped symptoms ease, as Carlos was developing
a phobia of needles. With no fair warning to doctors, the phobia of needles succumbed Carlos and he
decided to not medicate at all. After several years without medication, and the onset of Secondary
Progression seemingly coming closer with time, Carlos began to worry more cautiously and meticulously
about his well-being.

Listen to your body

Overnight, after being introduced to the work of Dr. Terry Wahls, and her book The Wahls Protocol,
Charney uprooted his diet (even though my doctor said it would not have any impact on my condition),
exercised with specific strategies, began focusing all attention to is mind and body, before quitting his job,
selling his vehicle (against the support of his family and friends), and backpacked across Europe for two
months, where he discovered deeper meaning in the new path that evolved for him.

Attitude of Gratitude

20140917_070757Though times were challenging and filled with hardships, Charney was able to gain so much from his experience, and realized how truly grateful he was for the life he was given. Multiple Sclerosis helped cultivate perspective, resourcefulness, and (most importantly) the power of choice, that empowered him to continue on a path that he uses to beat his MS condition.


The power of community, the power of the
human body when given the right nutrients, and the power of creating positive habits and relationships, all
catalyzed the recovery and discovery of Carlos and his message.

Charney has since immersed himself in the science of nutrition, epigenetics, longevity, and Ayurvedic
medicines to enhance and empower individuals and their families, so they can authentically create a
vision and life that is worth living!

“The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt, until they are too strong to be broken…”
—Samuel Johnson

Ole Soccer Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Carlos Charney can be found at Friday clinics as well as weekly practices at times bringing that energy and spreading the word about our vision in bringing the right nutrition to our players and families.   What Ole Soccer is doing is changing the way you will see life by changing your mindset on and off the pitch!


If you wish to connect and meet Carlos Charney and start improving your life the way he continues to improve his life as well as the life of others, please feel free to contact him directly!

Social Media
FaceBook: Carlos Charney
Instagram: @carlos_charney