Importance of Dinner Time

Dinner Time is Family Time

Why we need to invest in Ourselves and our Kitchens


fruit and vegetablesWhen we think of dinner time, what comes to mind? Maybe the smell of the food as
we walk in the door, or the sound of the plates and utensils clattering on the table, or maybe the first thing to mind is the loud voice from the kitchen yelling, “dinner timeeeee!”

Time ceased to exist as everyone stops what we were doing and gathered around the table. Discussions began about our days, passing food around the table without spilling, multiple conversations at once, and even eating too fast just to grab seconds seemed normal in our society. What was once normal practice has become forgotten, or interrupted by the various facets of our hectic more “civilized” societies.

Once more, dinner time was the place in which we got to all be together and feel like a united family. Family is wherever we give our love and receive love from those that matter most, and those moments at the table are some of our most valuable moments in all our lives.

One of the most important aspects of any great dinner is the food. If stop and think for a moment and we ask ourselves, what is the Universal language that can transcend gender, race, age, social status, and politics? Natural Foods. What is the only cure for the epidemic of sicknesses that we are living in? Natural Foods. The food served at dinner should be created with love, with disregard of ‘time’ and made with intention, natural ingredients and raw foods.

How is Food Information?

DSC_1244Food is information, food is medicine, and most importantly food is love. Food has the capabilities of empowering and nurturing our minds and bodies, as well as elevate who we are as human-beings. We need to begin to respect the beautiful gift that is our bodies, our minds, and our consciousness, and connect with the natural processes of our world. Connect with Nature’s medicines by consuming natural foods, and begin to feel completely alive within our own bodies!

We are living in a constructed world where living a LONG-LIFE of unhealthy eating till death is not only allowed, but encouraged! Where being healthy is directly related to our economic status quo. Where lack of education translates to lack of a healthy life. This abuse and direct path to an unhealthy LONG-LIFE needs to end, and a path to a LIFE-LONG practice of healthy habits needs to emerge. Our kitchens and how we relate to it propels us in the right direction. Home-made foods direct impacts the profits of the same companies that have mis-informed and mis-lead us, but furthermore changes the paradigm we live in by VOTING with our dollars.

Creating a community of ‘conscious consumers,’ we push the limits of the status quo, and begin to change the paradigm and structures in place. As we have been programmed in our newer more “civilized” societies to value Cheap and Quick foods, our landscape has directly changed in order to make way for these processed food marts. Fast Food is everywhere! This has lead to the decline than more than 90% of the Farmers of America. Now less than 6% of Americans are farmers, and the free-range land converted to Factory Farms.

Side-Affects of Processed Foods:

doctor and patientMultiple Sclerosis, Cancer, Diabetes, Asthma, Depression, Obesity, Sedetarianism (chronic sitting condition), ADHD, Colitis, Laziness, ALS…)

Big Business and big agriculture companies (Monsanto and Dupont) have invested heavily in the markets that feed our schools, communities and homes.These so called “foods” that are now known as FILLERS, contain some of the most toxic chemicals to the human body known to man. The combination of chemicals that makes their ‘ingredients,’ contain such powerful toxins, they have literally disrupted our genetic disposition and code, giving birth to the countless of illnesses that plague us today.

McDonalds ObesityDid you know that 1 out of every 4 American families eat out for dinner every night!? Or that 1 out of every 4 American families consume their dinner inside their vehicles!? Or that 1 out of every 4 American families consumes their food while in front of some sort of electronics/screen lighting!?

This is unacceptable and we know and feel it is time for what Dr. Bruce Lipton calls, Spontaneous Evolution. Societies, just like humans, Dr. Lipton describes, are born just as humans are, and die after growth, just as we humans do. But, the amazing thing about the human body is how resilient it is, how magical we are, and how powerful we can be when we align ourselves with the discipline and care that our lives deserve. Just as an ill-patient can arise the next day feeling A MILLION times better over-night, Dr. Bruce Lipton describes how we can create the Society and Lifestyle that we want over night if we choose too. We not only have a choice, but a calling to help rescue ourselves and our community from the looming shadows of our current and past corporatocracy structures. We can see the challenge that is ahead of us, and we know that together we can over come and create the healthy lifestyle we deserve, and it begins in our kitchens!

Olé Kitchen Essentials:

-Vitamix $400

-Chef’s Knife $45-95

-Paring Knife $25-45

-Bread Knife $45-65

-Wood Cutting Board $20 (Animal Products)

-Recycled Cutting Board $20 (Veggies, Fruits)


Here are some resources that you can use to help educate yourself and family on that Olé finds extremely beneficial!


Rich Roll
rich roll






Shawn Stevenson 

model health show











If you found this information beneficial or have something to share, please share your thoughts below! We would love to hear from you and how you connect.  


Written by: Carlos Charney

Follow him and be part of the movement!

Twitter – @CharneyCarlos
Instagram – @Carlos_Charney

Carlos Charney